Meet Eunice Samba Mbito, 71, a resilient woman living in Kadol Village. She is a loving mother of four and a devoted grandmother to thirteen children. Eunice is one of the 350 beneficiaries of the Manna Widows Feeding Program.

Eunice’s journey has been marked by significant hardships, much like many other widows. Originally from the tropical coastal region of southern Kenya, she moved to the Lake region when she married her husband. They enjoyed a peaceful life together until his passing in September 2021. His death left Eunice heartbroken and alone.

Eunice showing us a picture of her deceased husband

As she mourned her husband’s loss, Eunice faced additional family challenges. Her family’s land was taken from her, leaving her powerless. Without a job or stable income, she struggled to provide for herself and her grandson, who lives with her. The dual burden of putting food on the table and ensuring her grandson’s education seemed insurmountable.

In 2022, Eunice learned about Manna’s feeding program and sought their help. To her relief, she was accepted into the program. This was a dream come true and an answered prayer. Since then, she has received regular monthly food supplies, ensuring that she and her grandson never go hungry.

To further increase her income, Eunice joined the Manna Widows Self Help Group, where she actively participates in table banking. This initiative has empowered her to afford her grandson’s school fees and materials.

Today, Eunice is a happy, fulfilled, and excited woman, looking forward to the future. By supporting the widows’ program, you are making a significant difference in the lives of disadvantaged women. Your support helps feed families, educate children, and transform lives.

Join us in making a difference. You can donate $20 each month to feed one widow.